Source code for jet20.frontend.problem

from jet20.frontend.expression import Expression, Constraint
from jet20.frontend.variable import Variable, Array
from jet20.frontend.const import *
from jet20.frontend.backends import jet20_default_backend_func
from typing import List, Union, Callable
from functools import wraps
import numpy as np
import re

[docs]def assert_power(add_expr): """ """ @wraps(add_expr) def check(self, *constraints: Constraint): """ """ for c in constraints: if isinstance(c, Constraint) and c.canonicalize()[0].highest_order > 1: raise NotImplementedError("power exceed") return add_expr(self, *constraints) return check
[docs]class Problem(object): __default_solvers__ = { "jet20.backend": jet20_default_backend_func, } def __init__(self, name: str = ""): = name self._subject: Union[Expression, None] = None self._constraints: List[Constraint] = [] self._variables: List[Variable] = [] self._solver = {} # 'solver_name': function self._solver.update(**self.__default_solvers__) @property def variables_count(self) -> int: """ Returns: The numbers of variables this problem has contained """ return len(self._variables)
[docs] def variable(self, name: str, lb: Union[None, float] = None, ub: Union[None, float] = None) -> Variable: """Adding single variable with the name annotation. Args: name: The name of a variable Returns: A new variable """ _var = Variable(self.variables_count, name) # len(variables) exactly be equal with next variable's index self._variables += [_var] if lb is float: self._constraints += [Constraint(_var, lb, OP_GE)] if ub is float: self._constraints += [Constraint(_var, ub, OP_LE)] return _var
[docs] def variables(self, symbols: str, lb: Union[None, List[float], float] = None, ub: Union[None, List[float], float] = None) -> List[Variable]: """Adding a batch variables. Example: variables("x y z") Args: symbols: A set of in-order potential variable names, the separator is blank or comma or semicolon[ ,;] Returns: Variables, and their name is attached with per symbol """ # if type(lb) not in (None, list, float) or type(ub) not in (None, list, float): # raise TypeError("bounds must be list of floats, float or None") _var_names = list(filter(None, re.split("[ ,;]", symbols))) if isinstance(lb, list) and len(_var_names) != len(lb): raise ValueError("mismatch length of lower bounds vector and variables vector") if isinstance(ub, list) and len(_var_names) != len(ub): raise ValueError("mismatch length of upper bounds vector and variables vector") if lb is None or isinstance(lb, (float, int)): lb = [lb] * len(_var_names) if ub is None or isinstance(ub, (float, int)): ub = [ub] * len(_var_names) _vars = Array() for symbol, lb, ub in zip(_var_names, lb, ub): _var = Variable(self.variables_count, symbol, lb, ub) _vars.append(_var) self._variables.append(_var) return _vars
[docs] def minimize(self, expr: Union[Expression, Array]): """Add the object math expression of this problem for minimizing it's value. Args: expr: A instance of Expression. Returns: """ if isinstance(expr, Expression): self._subject = expr elif isinstance(expr, Array) and expr.len == 1: self._subject = expr.array[0] else: raise TypeError("expr must be a Expression or a Array")
[docs] def maximize(self, expr: Union[Expression, Array]): """Add the object math expression of this problem for maximizing it's value. Args: expr: A instance of Expression. Returns: """ if isinstance(expr, Expression): self._subject = -expr elif isinstance(expr, Array) and expr.len == 1: self._subject = -expr.array[0] else: raise TypeError("expr must be a Expression or a Array")
[docs] @assert_power def constraints(self, *constraints: Union[Array, Constraint]): """Add a constraint. Args: constraints: A instance of Constraint, insists of a left value, an operator and a right value. Returns: """ for cons in constraints: if isinstance(cons, Constraint): self._constraints += [cons] elif isinstance(cons, Array): self._constraints += [con for con in cons.array if isinstance(con, Constraint)]
@property def canonical(self): """Return the canonical form of this problem. Returns: (object express matrix, list of constraint tuples). [[1. 0. 0. 0. ] [0. 2. 0. 0.5] [[5. 4.0 4.3 0. ] [0. 0. 0. 0.5] [0. 3.2 0. 2.1] ( [0. 0.5 0.5 0. ]], [1. 2. 3. 4. ]], ["<","<=",...], [const1,const2,...]) ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | object constraits ops consts """ for _var in self._variables: if is not None: self._constraints.append(Constraint(_var,, OP_GE)) if _var.ub is not None: self._constraints.append(Constraint(_var, _var.ub, OP_LE)) _obj = self._subject.core_mat # need cut const off here? exprs, ops = list(zip(*[con.canonicalize() for con in self._constraints])) # unzip constraints, ops _constraints = np.stack( [con.expand_linear_vector(len(self._variables) + 1)[:-1] for con in exprs]) # cut const off _ops = np.array(ops) _consts = np.array([-con.const for con in exprs]) return _obj, _constraints, _ops, _consts
[docs] def solve(self, name: str = "jet20.backend", *args, **kwargs): """Calling one of the registered solvers to solve the problem., jet20.backend will be used by default. :param name: One of the registered solvers's name. :type name: str :param args: Extra args depends on the solver :param kwargs: Extra args depends on the solver :return: solution of the problem depends on the solver for jet20.backend following args can be used: :param x: initial solution of the problem :type x: list,numpy.ndarray :param opt_u: hyperparameters for interior point method :type opt_u: float :param opt_alpha: hyperparameters for line search :type opt_alpha: float :param opt_beta: hyperparameters for line search :type opt_beta: float :param opt_tolerance: objective value tolerance :type opt_tolerance: float :param opt_constraint_tolerance: feasibility tolerance :type opt_constraint_tolerance: float :param rouding_precision: rouding precision :type rouding_precision: int :param force_rouding: whether force rounding :type rouding_precision: bool :return: solution of the problem :rtype: Solution """ return self._solver[name](self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def reg_solver(self, name: str, func: Callable): """Register a solver, it will be called to solve the problem later. Args: name: Name annotation of this solver. func: A function implemented to solve the problem. Returns: """ self._solver[name] = func